Certifications Certifications Meet the needs continuously รางวัล CertifiactedISO 9001:2008MANUFACTURE OF MACHINE PARTSBangkok, Thailand CertifiactedPuey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies: PSDSOutstanding Consumer Governance Award of the Year 2559March 10, 2016 CertifiactedCertificat of AppreciationGiven this 28th day of August 2014Bangkok, Thailand CertifiactedThailand’s Best Product Award 2015from the Ministry of Industry On Saturday, September 26, 2015At Impact Muang Thong Thani, Nonthaburi CertifiactedExcellent Machinery Technology Award, 2nd prizeProduction machinery branch of the year 2013Given on the 6th day of August B.E. 2556 CertifiactedMinistry of Science and Technology2nd Prize in Production Machinery Category 2013August 6, 2013